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Let's Get Acquainted!

Writer: Jennifer SaderaJennifer Sadera

Q&A with me



As the release date of I KNOW SHE WAS THERE approaches, it's been fun sharing protagonist Caroline Case's motivations, but today I'd like to tell you a little bit about me, the author behind the story.

Two women stood in front of a Nashville sign

I've compiled a list based on questions I recently received about my life. I've tried to answer as honestly as possible, so here goes...

What's my guiltiest pleasure?


What's my fancy dress costume of choice?

Anything in black.

What's my the worst thing anyone has ever said to me?

In seventh grade, Justin Foley asked me if I was a boy or a girl. I was devastated, but now that gender is fluid, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.

What was my best kiss?

It was slow and soft, like a caress. I can close my eyes and still recall exactly how it felt many, many years later.

What's words do I overuse?

Ummm, like…

What's my biggest disappointment?

That my first traditional publishing contract came exactly four months after my dad died. He would have been so thrilled for me. He was my first writing mentor, and a huge supporter of my writing efforts.

What's the closest I've come to death?

When my appendix burst during a hurricane. I nearly didn’t get to the hospital in time to have it removed!

What single thing would improve the quality of my life?

Being able to say no to time-suckers. I’m way too much of a people-pleaser.

What's my greatest achievement?

My long-and-still-loving relationship with my husband. Marriage is incredibly hard work but remarkably worth it.

What keeps me awake at night?

The world seems to become more dangerous every day. I drive myself nuts contemplating what I can do to mitigate the hazards for my kids.

What song would I want played at my funeral?

You Are My Sunshine.

How would I like to be remembered?

With a smile.

What's a secret I'm willing to share?

I’ve been known to rewrite an entire manuscript to be rid of purple prose. I’m in love with wordy descriptions and intricate turns of phrases. Not a desirable trait in a suspense writer.

What is my most appealing quality?

I am a true-blue optimist.

What am I really bad at?

I have NO sense of direction (except once in New Orleans, but that’s a story for another day. Reach out if you want to hear it).

What is something that upsets me terribly that others may think is kind of strange?

Roadkill. It upsets me every single time I see a poor critter’s carcass battered and bloody.


Here are some of the Q&A's from my latest newsletter...

When was I happiest? 

There is no one moment because I live in the moment. When I’m out on the lake with the sun on my face and the wind kissing my skin; when I’m planting my favorite flowers and nurturing them into bloom; walking in the woods with my loved ones scouting for nature’s surprises; sitting alone in the dark thanking God for all the blessings heaped upon me.

What is my greatest fear?

What is my earliest memory?

Who's the living person I most admire?

What is the trait I most deplore in myself?

What is the trait I most deplore in others?

What is my most embarrassing moment?

What makes me unhappy?

What do I like least about my appearance?

What's my guiltiest pleasure?

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Got another question for me? Get in touch, I'd love to hear from you!


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